Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wedding Planning Survival Guide

Wedding Planning Survival Guide

            You have the man and the ring. Life is great…until you realize there is now a ton of planning to do for your big day. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by thinking about every little detail you will have to be on top of. Don’t worry though, here is a list of tips to help avoid the overwhelming stress of planning a wedding.
            Hire a pro: Once you get engaged, you should begin to look for and contact a wedding planner. Beginning your process with a wedding planner can help tremendously with your experience as they are the professional help that you need. Experienced wedding planners can help you find the most valued vendors for your money.  Wedding planners are there for you to help you create your dream wedding. They will be there with you for every step of the planning process to answer any questions you might have. Wedding planners are also very helpful on the actual wedding day as they are there to ensure everything is under control while you remain focused on your part in the ceremony. With a wedding planner to back you up, your job as the bride is a lot less stressful, so book a start-up consultation.
            Communicate with your team: Another thing you should do as part of the beginning process is to meet with the people who will be contributing to the cost of the wedding. Have a time where everyone can sit down and discuss what everyone believes the priorities of the event are. Prioritizing up front from the get-go will give you focus and an idea of where to start in the planning process.
            Stay flexible: While it is important to have a plan, we all know that sometimes things just don’t work out the way we want them to. This is why flexibility is key. This is going to be an important learning and growing experience for you as the bride so being open to alternative ideas and options will help your stress levels should a plan fall through or if your fiancé decides to take a different approach to something about the wedding. Also, being flexible and learning to compromise alongside your fiancé will strengthen your relationship.
            Define your signature style: Most importantly, make sure your wedding reflects who you are! You are unique and special so don’t hesitate to let your personality show in your wedding. Whether it is small touches like baby pictures with the centerpieces or dancing down the aisle, make sure it is something that you want! This will also make your guests remember your wedding because it will showcase your style. Of course, just be sure to run everything past your fiancé.
           Prioritize: While planning your wedding, remember the number one goal: to get married to the love of your life. Make sure you don’t lose sight of the whole reason you’re planning in the first place. Make sure to spend time with the love of your life throughout the whole planning process. All the stress can easily create tension and strain on your communication with your partner. Remember that you are there for each other! You are marrying the love of your life, don’t forget that and you’ll be sure to have the perfect wedding!

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